

  • It Tastes So Cold!

    18th Aug 2024

    It Tastes So Cold!

    By Greig McGill Back in the mists of time, a long-running and fun podcast called Craft Beer Radio (now CBR and a lot more casual) wrote a parody sketch (warning, some humour hasn’t aged well, but…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • The Future? You’re Standing In It!

    24th Jun 2024

    The Future? You’re Standing In It!

    By Greig McGill Beer and brewing is a funny old world. Everything old is constantly new again, as we rediscover old beer styles, brewing methods, and even semi-forgotten scientific knowledge (hop-cr…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • A Good Session

    21st May 2024

    A Good Session

    By Greig McGill I have always “blamed” the late, great Michael Jackson (the beer writer, not the one with the glove and the predilection for… controversy) for the origin of the term “session beer”.…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • The New Zealand Pilsner Beer Style

    7th May 2024

    The New Zealand Pilsner Beer Style

    Craft beer and brewing enthusiasts around the world are always looking for unique and refreshing brews, and one style that continues to get a lot of attention is our very own New Zealand Pilsner (N…

    Published by Brewshop

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  • Caught on the Hop

    9th Apr 2024

    Caught on the Hop

    By Greig McGill Americans, eh? They really can drive innovation, can’t they? In the relatively short space of 35ish years, the world has moved from mocking beer from the USA with the famous “making…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • Beer Competitions 101

    12th Mar 2024

    Beer Competitions 101

    By Greig McGill As I mentioned in my last article, one of the benefits of starting or joining a brewing club is holding beer competitions. These are about so much more than just winning. They are an…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • Join The Club

    11th Feb 2024

    Join The Club

    By Greig McGill I was listening to a podcast while cleaning in the brewery the other day, and a question from a New Zealand listener came in asking about, or rather bemoaning the lack of, homebrew…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • Dry Hoppery

    27th Nov 2023

    Dry Hoppery

    By Greig McGill Dry hopping. There’s so much talk about it, and it’s practically de rigueur these days for any hoppy style of beer to be at least dry hopped once, with double dry hopping, and even…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • The Biggest Ingredient - Part Two

    23rd Oct 2023

    The Biggest Ingredient - Part Two

    By Greig McGill So ya wanna adjust some water, eh kiddo? Well lemme tell you… no seriously, here’s my design process for my brewing liquor - the fancy professional term we almost never use in the br…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • The Biggest Ingredient - Part One

    27th Sep 2023

    The Biggest Ingredient - Part One

    By Greig McGill Well, I can’t put it off any more! The team has been asking me to write this article for … far too long now. I’ve put it off because, no matter how much I think I know…

    Published by Greig McGill

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  • This Isn't Harry Potter: No More Butterbeer!

    5th Sep 2023

    This Isn't Harry Potter: No More Butterbeer!

    By Greig McGill I am not easily surprised or shocked these days. I’m getting on a bit you see, and have been firmly in the “beer nerd” camp for over a quarter of a century, and a brewer (both home a…

    Published by Greig McGill

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